No matter how nice your car or truck is, eventually it’s going to need some maintenance, whether it’s emergency repairs or just regular checkups. When that time comes, you might ask yourself whether or not you can handle those repairs on your own.

We here at 56 Auto Sales want to help you keep your vehicle in prime condition, so we’ve put together a brief guide to help you decide whether to handle maintenance yourself or to seek professional help, below. To learn more, or if you want to talk to our maintenance experts, contact our store in London, Ohio, today!

Questions to Ask Yourself

1: Do You Have the Necessary Experience?

First and foremost, you’ll need to determine whether or not you have the knowledge and experience necessary to tackle the job at hand. Simple tasks might be easier, but it’s important to be honest about your maintenance abilities—there’s no shame in admitting you’re not an expert at everything. If you have any doubts at all, play it safe and leave the maintenance work to the pros.

2: Do You Have the Right Tools?

If you’re confident in your abilities, your next question is whether or not you have the equipment necessary to complete the maintenance properly. There are a lot of tasks that require specialized tools, and it’s often cheaper and easier to go in for service than to buy the tools you’re lacking. Certainly stock up on the tools you’ll use regularly, but try not to break the bank getting unique equipment that you’ll use rarely.

3: Do You Have Enough Time?

Finally, if you think you’ve got the experience and the tools you need for the job, ask yourself if you’ve got the space in your schedule. Especially if the vehicle in question is your primary means of commuting, you’re going to need it up and running in short order. You might save a bit of money doing the maintenance on your own, but if you’re without transportation for months as a result, it just may not be worth it.

Easy Home Maintenance Tasks


Of course, there’s plenty you can do on your own even if you have little or no mechanical expertise. Thorough inspections, for instance, just require four of the five senses—we don’t recommend tasting your car. Check for rust, damage, or technical issues regularly.

Fluid Checks and Changes

Check the fluid levels and consistency regularly in your vehicle, from gas to oil to coolant and beyond. If the fluid looks right and is the right consistency, make sure it’s topped off. If the fluid is off, drain it and refill the tank with fresh fluid.

We hope this guide helps you and your vehicle stay in top shape! For more information, or if you need maintenance assistance, contact us at 56 Auto Sales. We proudly serve the people of Springfield, Dayton, and Columbus, Ohio—let us serve you today!